In this day and age, most jobs are becoming less formal than before. But some qualities, including being respectful to your colleagues, are still expected from people in the workplace. Moreover, good behaviour portrays a decent image of professionalism, improves your reputation and also increases your chances for success in the long run. On top of that, the way you navigate through tricky workplace scenarios can make or break your professional reputation.
While 'office etiquettes' give you the idea of following a set of conventional rules, it is fairly simple. Here are a few pointers to get you on your way to becoming a stellar employee.
Arriving early at the office, or at least arriving on time can go a long way in helping you get a solid foundation to start your day. Making punctuality a habit will give you time to start your day in the office in the right frame of mind. Having an organised approach to your work will allow you to set yourself up for success.
While it's quite difficult to always be on time, it's crucial to let your colleagues know if you're running late. That way, your co-workers can change their schedules accordingly. However, make sure to avoid being late to work frequently, as it will indicate a lack of seriousness on your part. Make a proactive effort to get into the office at the same time as the rest of your team members.
While most organisations follow a dress code, some organisations tend to cut some slack on what you can wear. But that should not be an excuse to wear flip-flops to work. Looking presentable creates a lasting impression, as it shows that you actively put an effort into how you present yourself in front of your peers. On the flip side, showing up too casually or dressing inappropriately makes you look sloppy and informal.
Generally, the 'appropriate attire' varies from organisation to organisation based on their culture and practices. However, it is considered to be an important office etiquette to dress nicely.
Before starting a lengthy conversation about how the office coffee maker is not working, ask your peers about their current workload and see if they can afford the time to listen to you speak about things that don't relate to their work. It is considered good practice to ask permission from someone before striking up a random conversation with them.
Moreover, if your colleagues are having a work-related discussion, wait for them to complete their conversation before bringing up anything else. Always try to minimise any interruptions and apologise if there is any intrusion from your end. Furthermore, avoid having loud conversations with anyone while people are working as it interrupts their workflow. Be particularly careful around co-workers taking part in business meetings virtually or having conversations over the phone.
It is natural to speak with your colleagues while you're working. But make sure that you respect each other's privacy and give them their personal space to get on with their job. Just because a colleague's desk is next to yours does not mean that you should read their emails or peek at their laptop screens. If you need to talk about anything sensitive in nature, then find a secluded place to discuss the topic with your colleague by stepping away from your desk. Ensure that the questions are relevant and don't invade their personal space.
Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic started, people have become more concerned about their health and well-being than ever before. While you may feel that you can pull through your sickness and come to work, you will potentially jeopardise the health of your peers. Instead, use your sick leaves or opt to work from home, if the option is available. Not only will it help you recover faster, but it will also spare your colleagues from falling sick as well.
However, if you must attend the office physically, then make sure to wash your hands frequently and carry a sanitiser with you to prevent spreading germs.
During our time at the office, we often get help from our peers in various ways. It is imperative to show appreciation for the slightest help that is extended to us.
When it's your turn, make sure to help people out and foster a collaborative environment where everyone flourishes. Always try to remain friendly and courteous and extend a helping hand. Having good manners helps you build a strong connection with your peers, and showing gratitude helps them feel acknowledged.
Workplace etiquettes are vital for the culture of every organisation. Therefore, following the office etiquette tips will help you create a friendly and efficient work culture. It can also open doors for you as you can become a reliable person at work.